OZ-Tenna Antenna Products

We enjoy developing new products, testing, improving and using them.

With that in mind, please understand that all products are subject to change without notice.

QRP Square

This is our original Pocket Rocket Hybrid UnUn – punching well over its weight for power handling, size and performance. In our field tests, this handled its rated power like a champ.

If like me you enjoy QRP, or use up to 20 watts of SSB and small and light weight is important to you, QRP-Square is ideal.

There are no compromises in this unique Hybrid UnUn. Efficiency is over 90% so it runs cool even with 20W of SSB.

Coax is via BNC and antenna and radials are via banana sockets.



Conservatively rated at 50 watts of SSB, this Hybrid-UnUn is ideal for users wanting a little more power than QRP. It’s Hybrid UnUn is surprisingly efficient, well over 90% so that 50W of SSB produces negligible heating with our EFHW Antenna for 40m and 20m connected.

Coax is via an SO239, and banana binding posts are used for antenna and radial connections.



This again is a ‘pocket rocket’ of a Hybrid Balun for making your own EFHW Antenna System. Taking 100W of SSB with ease, this is our most efficient unit coming in at around 95% based on heating tests and at a difficult to believe 97% based on VNA tests.

Coax is via an SO239, and banana binding posts are used for antenna and radial connections.



Available ONLY through the FAMPARC radio club, this is our best Hybrid UnUn for base station use because the enclosure has a sealing gasket and is quite heavy duty.

Coax is via an SO239, and banana binding posts are used for antenna and radial connections.

Available as a build yourself kit, or made and tested, this is now in regular use.


Hybrid Baluns and Radials

If putting out a good signal, efficiency, and having an antenna system that works well without having to add extra things to your coax is important – then the OZ-Tenna Hybrid Baluns and our mandatory use of baluns is important to understand.

Here is information on out Hybrid UnUns

Our unique Hybrid Baluns reduce common mode current and go a long way toward giving you the best possible signal for the least amount of trouble and effort.

Radials – also commonly known as counterpoise – are central to OZ-Tenna antenna solutions. We strongly advocate heir use for signal and for reducing common mode current. Read more about them here.

Ready Made Antennas

You can “just” cut your own piece of wire, and some radials, connect them to one of our Hybrid UnUns and get on air quickly and easily.

However, if you want an even easier and faster solution, with some really nice benefits from accessories that are worthwhile, our 40m / 20m optimized antennas have;

  • Compensation coil to help line up resonances better.
  • Fitted with banana plugs for ease of use.
  • 2 off radials, each 2m long and with 3D printed ground posts – for softer soils.
  • Clip on 3D printed ‘flags’ to make your radials and antenna more visible to help prevent tripping and public hazard.
  • Fitted with easy length adjustment accessories.

We have 2 antenna solutions.

Light Duty Antenna

For the 40m and 20m bands, as well as 15m and 10m.

This is super light weight and perfect for those wanting a pocket-friendly antenna. It comes with all our standard accessories, on a winder and is easy to adjust. You may need to adjust the antenna to suit your deployment.

Being so light weight we do not recommend it for use in trees or with any kind of mechanical load.

Light Duty Antenna

Medium Duty Antenna

For 40m and 20m bands, as well as 15m and 10m.

This uses thicker PVC covered wire and is much more suitable for those pulling our Hybrid UnUn’s into trees or for more demanding use.

Of course it comes with all our standard accessories, on a winder, ready to go – but you may need to adjust the length to suit.

Medium Duty Antenna